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Furling Machines


We manufacture both Personal Furling Machine and Production Furling Machines. These capable tools can furl leaders, tenkara lines or even full-length fly lines in synthetic or silk materials. We produce all of our machines in our "mini factory" in Groton, MA USA.

How to choose your furling machine

Our Personal Furling Machine is the tool to use if you want to make furled leaders, tenkara lines or fly lines for yourself and a few of your friends. It is limited to a top-end speed of 2500 RPM (the speed of most electric drills) and is built to produce 1000s of leaders a year.

Our Production Furling Machine has high speed bearings on all shafts and can operate to 20,000 RPM and produce 10,000+ leaders a year. The brass version of our Production Furling Machine is primarly for its asthetics, there are no mechanical advantages as both the aluminum and brass machines share the same internal design.


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    Personal Furling Machine - v5